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[100 issues review]Boutique cultural fruits in Bai Chuan Forum

Rooted in the principle “gathering the advantage of great masters, and including the broadness of rivers”, the communist youth league of DUT committee has been launching Bai Chuan Forum. The forum aims to create a platform that includes everything and absorbs essences from others, and has been successfully held for more than one hundred issues. It invites specialists and scholars from various fields to give lectures to students face to face and to help to grasp historical trend. Over the few years, the forum has been welcomed by everyone from the leadership to the ordinary students, and has become one of the most popular forum in DUT.


Advise you to read, and wish to be your company—“the charm of books”

This activity started since the autumn in 2013 which aims to provide a refined book list monthly and to launch a book-reading salon. The book list helps to resolve students’ puzzle about what kind of books to read. Based on the book list, the informative teacher will choose one and share his experience and gnosis with participants of the activity.

Till now, five new book corners have been built in the dormitory district. Everyone can enjoy reading and coffee during his free time.


Acquire knowledge broadly, and focus on one direction—“Bai Chuan Bo Guan”manuscript set and “Li Xiang”memento album

After five years accumulation, Bai Chuan Forum published the “Bai Chuan Bo Guan”manuscript set in this October. The set carefully selected 21 boutique lectures from masters and artists like Zeng Shiqiang, Zhang Wuchang. It is said that reading is to understand reason, and writing is to spread morality. The book consists of six parts, i.e. figures, sinology, art, workplace, history and society. It is expected that more students will appreciate the demeanour of masters and the charm of masterpieces.


Bai Chuan Forum is devoted in integrating various resources to create high-level cultural activities, and carefully orchestrating a mulit-cultural brand which can generate subsequent effects among college sutdents. There is still a long way to go for Bai Chuan Forum.
