English>> International Cooperation & Accreditation>> EQUIS

EQUIS was launched in 1997 by EFMD. EQUIS is an international system of strategic review, quality improvement and accreditation for the assessment of schools in widely different national contexts. The EQUIS standards for international management education apply to schools in any cultural environment in any region.

EQUIS accreditation is granted for a limited period, either 5 years or 3 years.In view of the improvement suggestions put forward by the review team for the school, it is necessary to continuously improve and innovate from ten aspects of standards. SEM combine with the development and change of the world economy and the current society, improve its higher management education level, and make contributions to the development of the world business school.

In 2015, SEM officially started the EQUIS accreditation preparation. From September 12 to 14, 2017, EQUIS peer review team conducted comprehensive evaluation on the development strategy and objectives, programs, students, faculty, academic research, internationalization, financial management and the connection with the practice. At the same time, the accreditation materials displayed in the Base Room of the School were reviewed in detail.

SEMobtainedthe EQUISaccreditation on March 27, 2018and re-accreditation on March8,2021.

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