welcome to IMMS11
Release Time:08.17.2022

The 11th International Mesostructured Materials Symposium (IMMS11) will be held on September 5-8th, 2021 at the Dalian International Finance Conference Center, Dalian, China. IMMS has a successful track record over the past 20 years, and this 11th symposium is expected to bring over 500 researchers including leading scientists and professionals from all over the world.

The International Mesostructured Materials Symposium has historically focused on mesoporous materials, and IMMS11 welcomes all aspects of science and engineering research where nanoscale architecture plays a dominant role in controlling function and properties. This symposium has scheduled 6 sessions including materials synthesis, characterization, catalysis and adsorption, biology and sensor, energy storage and conversion, and young scientist forum. Any topic that fits within this description would be appropriate.

