
Variable Kinematic Finite Element Formulations Applied to Multi-layered Structures and Multi-field Problems

作者: 时间:2019-10-25 点击:[]

日期(月) 10月29日 日期(日) 14:00-16:0
地址 综合1号实验楼,525

报告题目:Variable Kinematic Finite Element Formulations Applied to Multi-layered Structures and Multi-field Problems






The development of refined beam, plate, and shell FE models in the framework of Carrera Unified Formulation (CUF) is presented. Various refined approximation theories (employing Taylor series, trigonometric series, exponential functions, Lagrange and Chebyshev polynomials) are implemented in either Equivalent-Single-Layer (ESL) or Layer-Wise (LW). Node-Dependent Kinematics (NDK), a versatile tool to construct FE models with variable nodal kinematic capabilities, is introduced. Adoption of hierarchical Legendre polynomial functions as beam cross-section functions and plate/shell shape functions is demonstrated. Application of the proposed FE approach in mechanical and multi-field modeling is discussed. The use of theadaptiverefinement approach in the construction of global-local beam, plate, and shell FE models with NDK is demonstrated. Three-dimensional accuracy can be achieved with high numerical efficiency.

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