
Teaching College Math in US

作者: 时间:2019-07-12 点击:[]

日期(月) 7 日期(日) 18
地址 研教楼318

主讲人:Maria Ludu

时间:2019年7月18日 (周四)14:00-17:00



I am going to present the admission criteria to be accepted in a US college, and a few placement procedures. Then, I will address the main concern of any college, the retention; what could be the problems that create low retention, a few statistics, and possible solutions. More detailed I will address the grading procedures, teaching and testing strategies and their effect reflected by the students’ evaluations. To conclude this talk I will address specific courses offered by the Math Department at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

Speaker presentation:

Maria Ludu graduated with BS the Engineering Physics at Bucharest University in 1983. She obtained her MS in Mathematics in 2009 from Louisiana State University in the USA. She started her career working as engineer in a chemical power plant in the non-destructive testing of materials labs, in Bucharest, Romania. She joined the joined the Institute of Nuclear Reactors in 1986, as part of the designing team of CANDU nuclear power plant. She started to work in education in 1988 in Bucharest, Romania, then she continued her career in physics and math education in East Bator Rouge School System of Louisiana in the USA. She joined the administration of EBRPSS working as math coordinator until 2009 when she joined the Northwester State University at the Physics and Chemistry Department. During this tenure she taught calculus based physics. From 2011 she works as instructor of mathematics at ERAU in Daytona Beach, Florida.

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