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【讲座通知】Travel Behavior and Society期刊主编 香港浸会大学 王冬根教授 学术报告

发布日期:2019-12-27 作者: 来源:交通运输学院 点击:次


讲座地点:开云平台首页 综合实验3号楼三楼会议室(307室)

1.Generational differences in attitudes towards car, car ownership and car use in Beijing



In light of the recent trends in young people’s travel behavior and the importance of attitudes in influencing behavioral decisions, this study examines the generational differences in attitudes towards private cars and their interactions with car ownership and car use. Data are derived from a travel diary sample survey conducted in 2016 in Beijing, China, which include information about travel attitudes, car ownership, and car use. A multiple-group modeling framework capable of performing group comparison by allowing parameters to differ across different groups is applied to analyze the data. We find significant differences among different generations in terms of attitudes towards cars and their influences on car ownership, holding a driver’s license, and trips by cars. Young adults, in particular, show less favorable attitudes towards private cars and less prominent attitude-behavior associations than older groups do. They are also found to be less pragmatic about car use. Findings of this study shed new lights on the psychological factors on car-related choices and the significant differences between different generations, which are relevant for policies targeting on reducing car dependency and promoting a more sustainable lifestyle.

2.Residential self-selection in the built environment-travel behavior connection: whose self-selection?


Abstract: Residential self-selection has been acknowledged as a key issue underlining the link between the built environment and travel behavior. Existing studies often implicitly assume that residential choice is a decision of an individual and the influence of intra-household interactions is not considered. In reality, residential choice is a decision often made at the household-level involving more than one household members. Similarly, car ownership is usually a household-level decision incorporating views of different household members. In both cases, the travel related attitudes of more than one household members may play a role in the decision making. In other words, there is an issue concerning residential self-selection (similarly car ownership self-selection): whose self-selection? This paper makes an attempt to probe into this question by examining the self-selection issues concerning residential location choice and car ownership decision from the perspective of households, by incorporating the travel attitudes and travel behaviors of two household heads into an integrated self-selection framework. Data are derived from a household sample survey involving two-day activity-travel diaries conducted in 2016 in Beijing, China. Multivariate modeling results show that household members play different roles in household decisions with travel implications: in general husbands’ travel attitudes have relatively more influence in residential choice and car ownership decision than wives’. Nevertheless, wives’ travel attitudes have more power than husbands’ in explaining the commuting distances of both husbands and wives. Some distinct features of the residential and car ownership self-selections in the Chinese context are also identified and discussed in this paper.


Short-bio: Dr Donggen Wang is currently Professor and Head of the Department of Geography and Director of the Centre for China Urban and Regional Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University. His major research interests span activity-travel behavior, time geography, socio-spatial segregation and geography of wellbeing. He is co-Editor-in-Chief ofTravel Behavior and Society(2013 - ) and Editorial Board member of several international journals includingAnnals of Association of American Geographers(2014 -2017) andJournal of Transport Geography(2013 - ). He currently holds three research grants from Hong Kong Research Grant Council (RGC) and the National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC). He is fellow and board member of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies and was the Chairman of Hong Kong Geographical Association (2009-2013). His recent publications appear in a number of international journals includingTransportation Research Part A; B; C; and D; Cities; Urban Studies; Environment and Planning A; Journal of Transport Geography; Transportation; etc.

上一条:【讲座通知】丹麦技术大学姜宇教授—公共交通理论与前沿下一条:澳大利亚昆士兰大学刘艳 教授学术报告


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