英国科学院院士David Perrett学术报告

2018年11月07日 点击:[]



Speaker: David Perrett, Perception Lab, University of St Andrews, UK

Title: In Your Face

Abstract:The aim of this talk is to answer the following questions: Can we detect a persons’ health from a facial image? Can we human improve face recognition? Can we define facial cues to personality?

The methods employed involve averaging of many facial images to extract the common features possessed by one group of people (young vs old, healthy vs sick). Once the common features are identified, we test whether humans can detect these features (i.e. can they recognise whether a person is sick or healthy just by looking at the face and using the relevant cues). The shape and colour of facial features can be exaggerated to determine whether this helps recognition of identity, or facial traits such as health. Much of the work focuses on skin pigments: particularly oxygenated blood and red-yellow carotenoid plant pigments that we consume in dietary fruit and vegetables and which impart a golden colour in the skin. These pigments may signal general health status (diet quality, aerobic fitness, stress, sleep, body fat levels). Work on apparent personality involves subtle cues from expression, and head posture. I will discuss facial characteristics that observers think are trustworthy and those that make people look like effective leaders in times of peace and conflict. The applications of the research lie in health diagnosis, overcoming visual impairment and in designing media displays that we trust.

报告人简介:David Perrett,英国科学院院士,英国牛津大学脑神经科学学院博士毕业,英国圣安德鲁斯大学心理学与脑神经科学学院教授,从事面部认知以及脑神经开云体育nba 。在Nature上发表论文5篇。所有论文总被引用46000余次,h指数112。开云平台首页 海外学术大师。

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