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学术报告:Extended Application State of Bulk Metallic Glasses and Some Novel Phenomena for High Entropy and Pseudo-High Entropy Glassy Alloys


报告题目:Extended Application State of Bulk Metallic Glasses and Some Novel Phenomena for High Entropy and Pseudo-High Entropy Glassy Alloys

主讲人:Akihisa Inoue (井上 明久) 教授


井上明久教授为我校名誉教授,现任日本城西国际大学全球绿色材料中心主任。井上教授长期从事非晶、准晶、纳米晶合金等新材料研发、基础理论和应用研究,是“块体非晶合金”的开拓者,材料研究领域最有影响力的科学家之一。已发表SCI收录论文2000余篇,被引用118000余次(H因子142),在材料科学领域连续11年(1996-2006)论文引用第一(ISI统计),申请发明专利500余项,著专著50多部。井上教授曾任日本东北大学校长,是印度材料学会名誉会员(2001)、瑞典皇家理工学院名誉博士(2005)、印度金属学会名誉会员(2006)、日本学士院院士(2006)、美国工程院外籍院士(2008)、上海交通大学名誉博士(2011);曾获日本学士院奖、日本内阁总理大臣奖、Acta Materialia金奖、Citation Laureate Award (ISI)、美国物理学会James C. McGroddy新材料奖等诸多奖项。


Based on the inding of a wide supercooled liquid region before crystallization for multicomponent glassy alloys in 1988, bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) were synthesized by casting process for their new alloys in 1989. Subsequently, it was found in 1990 that Zr-based arc-melted alloy ingots can keep a glassy phase even in the slow cooling state on the copper hearth. Since then, much efforts have been devoted to the finding of new alloy compositions, clarifications of fundamental and unique properties and applications in conjunction with production process for BMGs. Nowadays, Fe- and Zr-based BMGs have gained huge application state as structural, magnetic and other functional materials and the commercial products in the case of Zr-based BMGs reach about hundred million pieces in a year.As new metastable materials which were derived from multicomponent BMGs, highentropy (HE) and pseudo-high entropy (PHE) alloys have attracted academic and engineering interests. When we look at the HE and PHE alloys, their alloys have been developed in the order of equiatomic BMGs in 2002. quiatomic foc crystalline ribbons in 2004, nearly equiatomic HE bcc thin films in 2004, and then PHE BMGs in 2014. At present, these HE and PHE alloys have been major subjects in materials science and engineering fields, The present seminar aims to introduce (1) recent extended application state of Zr- and Fe-based BMGs;and (2) formation and some unusual phenomena of Zr-based PHE BMGs and late transition metal (Fe,Co,Ni)-based HE and PHE glassy alloys, and to investigate the future prospects of their metastable multicomponent alloys.


