
    讲座通知:Solubility and Diffusion of Gases in Water and Brine at Reservoir Conditions

    2022年12月05日 08:59 点击:[]

    讲座时间:2022年12月8号(星期四) 17:00-18:00(北京时间)


    讲座主题:Solubility and Diffusion of Gases in Water and Brine at Reservoir Conditions

    Geological carbon storage and reservoir storage of hydrogen will typically involve injection of the relevant gas into a deep saline aquifers where it will contact brine under conditions of high pressure and temperature. Many physical and chemical processes follow from this contact and these are controlled in part by the solubility and diffusion of the gaseous solutes. These key physical properties control the driving force and kinetics of interfacial mass transfer and understanding them is essential for predicting the long-term fate of injected gases. In this presentation, experimental techniques for measuring solubility and diffusion will be described along with results for carbon dioxide, hydrogen and some of the other gases that may be present as impurities.

    Prof. J. P. Martin Trusler

    Imperial College London

    J. P. Martin Trusler is Professor of Thermophysics in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College of Science and Technology, recipient of the Guggenheim Fellowship (Institution of Chemical Engineers) in 2017, Chair of the Board of Directors of the International Association for Chemical Thermodynamics (IACT) from 2015-2018, and an expert in the 111 Innovation and Intelligence Programme of Dalian University of Technology. His research aims to improve fundamental understanding of the thermophysical properties of fluids through measurement, modelling and theory, with particular emphasis on systems related to oilfield processes and CO2capture and storage. Current research includes: phase behaviour of complex mixtures; density and viscosity of fluids at high temperatures and pressures; interfacial tension and wettability; effects of confinement on fluid thermal properties and phase behaviour in porous media; speed of sound and thermodynamic properties of liquids and gases. Special attention is given to systems associated with oil recovery processes and CO2capture and storage. He has currently published 231 academic papers and in 2017 published his book Thermophysical Properties Of Fluids.

    下一条:讲座通知:Digital rock physics, Continuous monitoring, and machine learning for safe and effective Carbon Capture and Storage

