Agents and Intelligent Manufacturing


  • 开始时间:2021-05-08 10:00
  • 活动地点:机械工程学院3018会议室
  • 主讲人:沈卫明


Agent technology represents a novel paradigm for developing intelligent manufacturing and industrial automation systems. During the past 25 years, a significant number of researchers and practitioners have been trying to apply intelligent software agents in the areas of engineering design, collabrative intelligent manufacturing, supply chain management, and smart product services. Recent developments and fast advancements of Cloud/Fog/Edge Computing, Internet of Things, Cyber-Physical Systems, Digital Twins, Big Data, and Blockchains provide new opportunities for applications of intelligent software agents in intelligent manufacturing and industrial automation, but also bring a lot of new research challenges. This talk presents some first-hand experience in developing agent-based collaborative design and manufacturing technologies and systems, and discusses future trends, R&D opportunities and challenges.


沈卫明,加拿大工程院院士,华中科技大学教授,加拿大国家研究院前任首席研究员,加拿大工程研究院Fellow,IEEE Fellow。主要从事智能物联网、大数据、智能体理论与应用等方面的研究。曾任IEEE CASE、IEEE SMC、IEEE CSCWD等30多次国际会议主席或程序委员会主席。曾获IEEE Canada唐纳工业领袖奖、加拿大联邦大楼最佳能效奖、加拿大国家研究院国家杰出贡献奖和最佳技术成果转让奖、以及STBE杂志“最佳论文奖”等奖项。