Subfactors--in Memory of Vaughan Jones


  • 开始时间:2020-12-08 10:00:00
  • 活动地点:腾讯会议(线上报告)
  • 主讲人:刘正伟


Jones initiated the modern theory of subfactor in early 1980s and investigated this area for his whole academic life. Subfactor theory has both deep and broad connections with various areas in mathematics and physics. One well-known peak in the development of subfactor theory is the discovery of the Jones polynomial, for which Jones won the Fields Metal in 1990. Let us travel back to the dark room at the beginning of the story, to appreciate how radically our viewpoint has changed.


刘正伟,教授、博导、ICCM数学奖银奖获得者。博士毕业于美国范德堡大学,2015年-2019年在哈佛大学从事博士后研究工作,2019年始在清华大学丘成桐数学科学中心任教授。 刘正伟教授主要从事算子代数、子因子理论、量子信息、以及数学和物理中的相关领域的研究,开拓了多个领域之间的联系,并解决多个公开问题,其中包括一个20年的著名公开问题,成功建立了一个新的量子信息模型。在PNAS、Advances in Mathematics、Transactions of the AMS、Communications in Mathematical Physics等杂志发表论文20多篇。