Surface Free Energy of Liquid, Solid, and Particle


  • 开始时间:2019-12-18 09:00:00
  • 活动地点:化工实验楼 F213
  • 主讲人:左毅


Surface free energy (SFE) is the excess energy per unit surface area. It is a quantitative thermodynamic measure of intermolecular and surface forces, thus also determining the hydrophobicity and wettability of a material. The SFE of a liquid surface is equivalent to its surface tension, which can be determined with established methods. However, the SFE of a solid surface cannot be determined directly. The SFE of micro- and nanoparticles plays a crucial role in determining dispersion and aggregation of the particles. To date, there are no easy-to-use methods for determining the SFE of particles. In this seminar, I will introduce novel methods developed in our laboratory for determining the SFE of liquids, solids, and particles. Applications in nano-bio interactions, bacterial adhesion, and applied surface thermodynamics will be discussed.


左毅教授,现为University of Hawaii at Manoa机械工程系教授,同时兼任John A. Burns医学院儿科教授。左毅教授2006年于University of Toronto获机械工程博士学位,致力于胶体、表面科学及其在生物医学和生物技术领域的应用研究,如应用表面热力学、表面工程、薄膜材料、肺表面活性剂、纳米-生物相互作用和仪器构建等。左毅教授曾于2013年获NSF CAREER Award,2016年获Faculty Research Award。