

  • 开始时间:网上投稿
  • 活动地点:多孔材料力学,生物材料
  • 主讲人:吕永涛


报告人简介:Dr Hanxing Zhu, Associate Professor in Mechanics of Materials, School of Engineering, Cardiff University. He did his PhD in Metallurgy and Materials at Birmingham University. Prior joining Cardiff University, he worked at Cambridge University as a Post-doc Research Associate. His research interests include cellular/porous materials, compositematerials, nano-structured and hierarchical materials, biomaterials, and functional materials. Dr Zhu has authored more than 100 publications, many of his papers are published in top mechanics journals (e.g. JMPS, Int. J. Plasticity) and top materials journals (e.g. Advanced materials, Acta Materialia). His research papers are cited over 2400 times. He is a reviewer of papers for 50 prestigious international journals, including all the top mechanics journals and many top materials journals. He is an editorial board member of several journals, e.g. Scientific Reports.

报告摘要:Cellular materials are widely used in different engineering applications. More importantly, our human body is primarily functioned by different types of nano-structured hierarchical cellular materials. This presentation will give a brief introduction about the size-dependent and tunable elastic and geometrical properties of nano-structured and hierarchical cellular materials. All the independent elastic properties are obtained as the functions of the solid volume fraction for different types nano-structured hierarchical honeycombs and open-cell foams.


报告人简介:Dr Hanxing Zhu,Associate Professor in Mechanics of Materials,School of Engineering, Cardiff University. He did his PhD in Metallurgy andMaterials at Birmingham University. Prior joining Cardiff University, he worked at Cambridge University as aPost-doc Research Associate. Hisresearch interests include cellular/porous materials, composite materials, nano-structuredand hi...