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主要任职:Associate Professor









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李海洋,博士,副教授,硕士生导师, 2017年2月获得科克大学电气工程专业博士学位,随后在爱尔兰丁达尔国家研究院光子研究中心任博士后研究员,从事诊疗设备的研发工作。2020年7月加入开云平台首页 运载工程与力学学部汽车工程学院,任副教授。研究兴趣包括:多足辅助自动驾驶,微创手术刚性/柔顺/软体机器人,智能感知技术等。主持或参加的科研项目主要包括:国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家重点研发计划、中央高校基本科研业务项目、爱尔兰国家科委项目、爱尔兰国家基金委项目、爱尔兰-法国合作项目、美国SUNSTAR医疗设备有限公司项目、大连市揭榜挂帅项目、以及中冶赛迪集团公司项目。已经在MMT,JMD,JMR,Precision Engineering和机械工程学报等期刊发表论文30余篇。获得省部级科技奖励和荣誉2项,集团公司级科技奖励1项,国际学术组织奖励1项。授权中国专利10余项,成功转让2项;国际专利1项,发明的诊疗器械正在进行临床试验。担任SCI期刊Mechanical Sciences副主编,中国力学学会流体控制工程专业委员会青年专家组成员,SCI期刊Sensors的客座副主编,SCI期刊MS的客座副主编,IJHM期刊编委会成员,IEEE AISP2020国际会议组委会委员,美国机械工程师协会会员,2021年ASME国际大学生机构与机器人设计大赛Co-chair,2021年 IEEE/ASME智能机电国际会议柔顺机构论坛Co-organizer,2022年ASME国际大学生机构与机器人设计大赛Co-chair。







1)周绍杰、赵慧文、于贵宁、王伽纹、韩飞扬,获得在美国Missouri州St. Louis市举办的美国机械工程师协会2022年大学生机构和机器人大赛(ASME SMRDC 2022)本科生组第一名,并申报了国家发明专利。



12)基本科研业务费交叉探索科研专题医工交叉联合基金,DUT22YG232, 基于数字孪生和柔顺机构的介入导丝与血管多维交互力感知研究,2022.01.01~2023.12.31,在研;


10) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51975108,面向微操作和微感知的解耦柔顺机构的设计理论与方法研究,2020.01.01~2023.12.31,在研;

9) 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,82232007,基于细杆网模型的平面解耦柔顺机构拓扑优化设计方法,2020.09.01~2022.12.31,在研;

8) 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,N180304019,面向微操作和微感知的六自由度解耦柔性并联机构的设计理论与方法研究,2019.01.01~2020.06.30,已结题;

7) 美国SUNSTAR医疗设备有限公司项目,便携式口腔光动力治疗仪的研究与开发,2017.02.01~2018.09.30,已结题;

6) 爱尔兰国家基金委项目,基于生物光子技术的光机电诊疗系统开发及微型化,2017.10.01~2018.09.30,已结题;

5) 爱尔兰-法国合作IRC ULYSSES项目,基于刚性机构的奇异位姿设计可重构柔顺机构的理论,2016.02.01~2017.02.28,已结题;

4) 爱尔兰国家科委IRCSET项目,面向微纳操作和微纳感知的空间平动解耦柔顺机构的构型综合、运动学建模和结构优化等关键理论研究,2013.01.21~2016.12.31,已结题;

3) 中冶赛迪集团有限公司项目,环保原料场关键技术研究及应用,2010.02.01~2012.05.31,已结题;

2) 中冶赛迪集团有限公司项目,头部可伸缩胶带机的开发和应用,2009.03.01~2012.05.31,已结题;

1) 中冶赛迪集团有限公司项目,大型原料场系统的物流优化与仿真,2010.02.01~2012.12.31,已结题。


24) 李海洋,冷初阳,可实现高精度和一体化加工的三自由度运动解耦柔顺机构,中国,发明专利, 申请号202210792264.X;

23) 李海洋,赵慧文,于贵宁,王伽纹,韩飞扬,周绍杰,一种非火工箭体径向连接解锁装置及使用方法,中国,发明专利,申请号202210888452.2;

22) 王长生,李海洋,冷初阳,董跟玮,基于数字孪生的机器人微创血管介入手术危险预警方法,中国,发明专利, 申请号202210792034.3;

21) 李海洋,冷初阳,可实现高精度和一体化加工的二自由度解耦力传感器,中国,发明专利, 申请号202210792252.7;

20) 李海洋,冷初阳,金楚涵,一种基于柔顺Stewart并联机构的连续体机器人,中国,发明专利, 申请号202210651049.8;

19) 李海洋,胡经国,任晓泽,杜志豪,赵剑,李冰,用于乘员碰撞安全保护的安全带缓冲、吸能与耗能装置,中国,发明专利, 申请号202210477149.3;

18) 李海洋,任晓泽,赵剑,基于语义识别和语音定位的儿童安全座椅旋转控制方法,中国,发明专利, 申请号202210282068.8;

17) 李海洋,可实现高精度、大行程和高频响的二自由度运动解耦柔顺机构,中国,发明专利,申请号202011425878.1;

16) 赵剑,李海洋,空间太阳能电站电池阵结构的弯曲刚度与振动性能调控方法,中国,申请号202110269704.9;

15) Ray Burke, Haiyang Li, Toru Saito, Leoncio Angel Gonzalez, and Josh Vicari, Light-emitting intraoral device, 国际发明专利,International Application Number PCT/US2019/013331;

14) 李海洋,李树军,李允公,王晓宇,孙志礼,王健,一种平面三自由度运动解耦柔顺机构,中国发明专利,申请号201911053769.9;

13) 李海洋,邓欣然,一种具有分布式柔度的全柔顺微位移放大机构,中国发明专利,申请号201911118751.2;

12) 李海洋,一种六自由度运动解耦柔顺机构中国发明专利,申请号201911126650.X;

11) 李海洋,陈尚伦,王沛庆 ,半封闭环保贮料场,2011.12.07,中国,ZL201120150482.0;

10) 李海洋,陈尚伦,刘建业,王沛庆,一种封闭式贮料场,2011.01.19,中国,ZL201020224887.X;

9) 陈尚伦,李海洋,罗庆红,一种带伸缩溜管的卸料小车,2012.04.11,中国,ZL201120226581.2;

8) 陈尚伦,李海洋,刘建业,一种剪叉式头部伸缩装置的胶带机,2010.04.21,中国,ZL200920127718.1;

7) 陈尚伦,李海洋、刘建业,一种新型头部可伸缩胶带机,2010.02.24,中国,ZL200920127717.7;

6) 陈尚伦,李海洋,刘建业,一种头部可伸缩的胶带输送机,2010.01.20,中国,ZL200920127222.4;

5) 陈尚伦,李海洋,王沛庆,一种卸料小车的除尘系统,2011.10.05,中国,ZL201120061660.2;

4) 陈尚伦,李海洋,王沛庆,刘建业,一种胶带机头部伸缩装置,2011.06.29,中国,ZL201020642155.2;

3) 陈尚伦,刘建业,李海洋,朱新发,段勋兴,一种胶带机头部伸缩装置,2010.08.25,中国,ZL200920128729.1;

2) 陈尚伦,王沛庆,李海洋,一种新型封闭式贮料场,2013.01.16,中国,ZL201220265413.9;

1) 王沛庆,陈尚伦,李艳,李海洋,一种管状带式输送机用托辊结构,2011.11.30,中国,ZL201120132956.9。


41) Fanyi Guo, Zhili Sun*, Shengnan Zhang, Runan Cao, Haiyang Li*, Dynamic characteristics and frequency reliability analysis of an optimized compliant stroke amplification mechanism, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics - Transactions of the ASME, 2022.

40) Xueguan Song, Kunpeng Li, Shuo Wang, Ziyun Kan, Haiyang Li, Jiaxiang Zhu, Guangbo Hao*, Delivering a Digital Twin of an XY Compliant Parallel Manipulator Based on Non-Negative Matrix Factorization, Journal of Mechanical Design - Transactions of the ASME,2022 (under review)

39) Haiyang Li, Yijie Liu, Zhipeng Wang, Chuyang Leng, Zhen Zhang*, Guangbo Hao*, A constraint-flow based method of synthesizing XYθ compliant parallel mechanisms with decoupled motion and actuation characteristics,Mechanism and Machine Theory, 178, 2022.

38) Fanyi Guo, Zhili Sun*, Shengnan Zhang, Runan Cao, Haiyang Li*, Optimal design and reliability analysis of a compliant stroke amplification mechanism, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 171, 2022.

37) Haiyang Li, Fanyi Guo, Yiran Wang, Zhipeng Wang, Cuiling Li, Mingxiang Ling*, Guangbo Hao*, “Design and modelling of a compact compliant stroke amplification mechanism with completely distributed compliance for ground-mounted actuators”, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 167, 2021.

36) Guangbo Hao*, Haiyang Li*, Yu-Hao Chang, Chien-Sheng Liu, “Design of four-DoF compliant parallel manipulators considering maximum kinematic decoupling for fast steer mirrors”, Actuators, 10(11), 2021.

35) Haiyang Li, Guangbo Hao*, Yuwang Liu*, Shujun Li, Xiaopeng Li, Xinran Deng, “Synthesis and modelling of one rotational constraint oriented compliant mechanisms”, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 156, 2021.

34) Andrea Liliana Pacheco Tobo*, Haiyang Li, Monisha Chakravarty, Sanathana Konugolu Venkata Sekar, and Stefan Andersson-Engels, “Anthropomorphic optical phantom of the neonatal thorax: a key tool for pulmonary studies in preterm infants,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 25(11): 1-11, 2020.

33) Qiang Yang*, Guangbo Hao; Shujun Li, Hongguang Wang, Haiyang Li, “A practical structural design approach of multi-configuration planar metamorphic mechanism with a single driver”, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 33(1): 77, 2020.

32) Xiaopeng Li, Dongyang Shang*, Haiyang Li, Fanjie Li, “Resonant suppression method based on PI control for serial manipulator servo drive system”, Science Progress, 103(3), 2020.

31) Sanathana Konugolu Venkata Sekar, Andrea Pacheco, Pierluigi Martella, Haiyang Li, Pranav Lanka, Antonio Pifferi, and Stefan Andersson-Engels, “Solid phantom recipe for diffuse optics in biophotonics applications: a step towards anatomically correct 3D tissue phantoms”, Biomedical Optics Express, 10(4): 2090-2100, 2019.

30) Haiyang Li, and Guangbo Hao*, “Position-space-based design of a symmetric spatial translational compliant mechanism for micro-/nano-manipulation”, Micromachines, 9(4), 2018.

29) 李海洋, 郝广波*, 于靖军, 邓子龙, 宋增旺, “空间平动柔性并联机构的系统设计方法研究”, 机械工程学报, 54 (13):57-65, 2018.

28) Guangbo Hao*, and Haiyang Li, Abhilash Nayak, and Stephane Caro, “Design of a compliant gripper with multi-mode jaws”, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics (ASME Transactions), 10(3), 2018.

27) Haiyang Li, and Guangbo Hao*, “Constraint-force-based approach of modelling compliant mechanisms: principle and application”, Precision Engineering, 47:158-181, 2017.

26) Haiyang Li, Guangbo Hao*, and Richard Kavanagh, “Position-space-based compliant mechanism reconfiguration approach and its application in reduction of parasitic motion”, Journal of Mechanical Design (ASME Transactions), 138(9), 2016.

25) Haiyang Li, Guangbo Hao*, and Richard Kavanagh, “A new XYZ compliant parallel mechanism for micro/nano manipulation: design and analysis”, Micromachines, 7(23):1-18, 2016.

24) Guangbo Hao*, Haiyang Li, and Richard Kavanagh, “Design of decoupled, compact, and monolithic spatial translational compliant parallel manipulators based on the position space”, Proceedings of the IMechE, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 230(3):367-378, 2016.

23) Guangbo Hao*, Haiyang Li, Suzen Kemalcan, Guimin Chen, and Jingjun Yu, “Understanding coupled factors that affect the modelling accuracy of typical planar compliant mechanisms”, Frontier of Mechanical Engineering, 11 (2):129-134, 2016.

22) Guangbo Hao*, Jingjun Yu, and Haiyang Li, “A brief review on nonlinear modelling methods and applications of compliant mechanisms”, Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 11 (2):119-128, 2016.

21) Guangbo Hao*, and Haiyang Li, “Extended static modeling and analysis of compliant compound parallelogram mechanisms considering the initial internal axial force”, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics (ASME Transactions), 8(4), 2016.

20) Haiyang Li, and Guangbo Hao*, “A constraint and position identification approach for the synthesis of decoupled spatial translational compliant parallel manipulators”, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 90:59-83, 2015.

19) Guangbo Hao*, and Haiyang Li, “Nonlinear analytical modeling and characteristic analysis of a class of compound multibeam parallelogram mechanisms”, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics (ASME Transactions), 7(4), 2015.

18) Guangbo Hao*, and Haiyang Li, “Conceptual designs of multi-DOF compliant parallel manipulators composed of wire-beam based compliant mechanisms”, Proceedings of the IMechE, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 229(3):538-555, 2015.

17) Guangbo Hao*, and Haiyang Li, “Design of 3-legged XYZ compliant parallel manipulators with minimised parasitic rotations”, Robotica, 33(4):787-806, 2015.

16) Guangbo Hao*, Haiyang Li, Xiuyun He, and Xianwen Kong, “Conceptual design of compliant translational joints for high-precision applications”, Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 9(4):331-343, 2014.

15) Haiyang Li, Zhipeng Wang, Yijie Liu, Chuyang Leng, Zhen Zhang, Guangbo Hao*, “A constraint-flow based method of synthesizing XYθ compliant parallel mechanisms with decoupled motion characteristics”, The IFToMM CCMMS 2022, Yantai, China, July 30- August 1, 2022.

14) Xueguan Song, Kunpeng Li, Shuo Wang, Ziyun Kan, Haiyang Li, Jiaxiang Zhu, Guangbo Hao, “Framework design of a digital twin of an XY compliant parallel manipulator based on non-negative matrix factorization”, The ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, August 14-17, 2022.

13) Jiaxiang Zhu, Guangbo Hao, Tinghao Liu, Haiyang Li, “Design and nonlinear analysis of an overconstraint based constant amplification ratio compliant mechanism”, The ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, August 14-17, 2022.

12) Guangbo Hao*, Haiyang Li, Yu-Hao Changc, and Chien-Sheng Liu*, “Framework design of fast steer mirror oriented four-degrees-of-freedom compliant parallel manipulators considering maximum kinematic decoupling”, The 4th International Workshop on Fundamental Issues, Applications and Future Research Directions for Parallel Mechanisms/Manipulators/Machines, IFToMM Conference on Mechanisms, Transmissions and Applications, Belfast, United Kindom, 2020.

11) Haiyang Li, Qiaoling Meng, Guangbo Hao, Shujun Li, Yunpeng Gong, and Yong Zhao, “Compliant Mechanism Based Backbones for Continuous Manipulators and Robots”, The 5th Conference on Mechanisms, Transmissions and Applications, Dalian, China, October 9-11, 2019.

10) Haiyang Li, and Guangbo Hao, “Design of compliant mechanisms with single-rotation constraints”, The ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Hilton Anaheim, Anaheim, CA, USA, August 18-21, 2019.

9) Abhilash Nayak, Haiyang Li, Guangbo Hao*, and Stephane Caro, “A reconfigurable compliant four-bar mechanism with multiple operation modes”, The ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference , Cleveland, Ohio, August 6-9, 2017.

8) Riccardo Sandon, Haiyang Li, Fabiana Federica Ferro, Alberto Trevisani, Richard Kavanagh*, and Guangbo Hao*, “High-performance control of a single-axis compliant nano-positioning system: design”, The 34th International Manufacturing Conference, Institute of Technology Sligo, Ireland, August 30-31, 2017.

7) Riccardo Sandon, Haiyang Li, Fabiana Federica Ferro, Alberto Trevisani, Guangbo Hao*, and Richard Kavanagh*, “High-performance control of a single-axis compliant nano-positioning system: control”, The 34th International Manufacturing Conference, Institute of Technology Sligo, Ireland, August 30-31, 2017.

6) Haiyang Li, and Guangbo Hao*, “Position-space-based symmetric compliant mechanism design approach and its application in the design of a high-performance spatial translational manipulator”, The ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Charlotte, NC, USA, August 21-24, 2016.

5) Haiyang Li, and Guangbo Hao*, “Constraint-force-based modelling of compliant mechanisms”, The ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 2-5, 2015.

4) Haiyang Li, and Guangbo Hao*, “Compliant mechanism reconfiguration based on position space concept for reducing parasitic motion”, The ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 2-5, 2015.

3) Guangbo Hao*, and Haiyang Li, George Joseph, “Extended nonlinear analysis of exactly-constrained compliant compound parallelogram mechanisms”, The ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 2-5, 2015.

2) Guangbo Hao*, and Haiyang Li, “CUBEs: decoupled, compact, and monolithic spatial translational compliant parallel manipulators”, Proceedings of 2014 IFToMM Workshop on Fundamental Issues and Future Research Directions for Parallel Mechanisms and Manipulators, Tianjin, China, July 7-8, 2014.

1) Haiyang Li, Guangbo Hao*, and Richard Kavanagh, “Synthesis of decoupled spatial translational compliant parallel mechanisms via a freedom and actuation method”, The ASME 2014 12th Biennial Conferences on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 25-27, 2014.

  • 教育经历Education Background
  • 工作经历Work Experience