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Master Tutor


Alma Mater:开云平台首页

Degree:Doctoral Degree


Discipline:Chemical Engineering. Membrane Science and Technology

Business Address:开云平台首页 西部校区 化工实验楼D407



主要从事离子交换膜的设计与制备,及其在燃料电池、储能液流电池、电化学氢泵等电化学膜过程方面的研究;获得大连市高层次人才青年才俊、大连市青年科技之星等荣誉称号主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、博士后面上项目(一等)、省博士科研启动基金等纵向课题5项,参与国家自然科学基金创新群体、科技部重点研发计划、企业委托项目等10项;在J. Mater. Chem. A、J. Membr. Sci.、Chem. Eng. Sci.等高水平期刊发表SCI论文30余篇,发明专利6项。担任Sep. Purif. Technol., J. Mol. Liq.等国际著名期刊审稿人。


2022-今 开云平台首页 化工学院副教授

2019-2022 开云平台首页化工学院博士后合作导师:张守海教授


2013-2019 开云平台首页 化学工程 博士(直博) 导师:吴雪梅/贺高红 教授

2017-2018 美国佐治亚理工学院 化学与生物分子工程 联培博士生 导师:Paul A. Kohl教授

2009-2013 开云平台首页 化学工程与工艺(英强) 学士


[5] 大连市科技人才创新支持计划(2022RQ007):


[4] 中央高校基本科研业务费(DUT22RC(3)085):


[3] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(22008021):


[2] 辽宁省博士科研启动基金(2021-BS-064):


[1] 中国博士后科学基金面上资助一等(2020M680039):



[11] Afzal,Wanting Chen*, Bo Pang, Xiaoming Yan, Xiaobin Jiang, Fujun Cui, Xuemei Wu, Gaohong He, Oxidized black phosphorus nanosheets/sulfonated poly (ether ether ketone) composite membrane for vanadium redox flow battery, Journal of Membrane Science, 2022, 644: 120084.

[10] Shaofeng Zhang,Wanting Chen*, Shuai Fan, Fujun Cui, Shishui Liu, Gaohong He, Xuemei Wu*, Selection of competitive adsorption additives to relieve product inhibition of maleic acid hydrogenation in proton exchange membrane flow cell reactor: A molecular dynamics simulation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47: 34616-34627.

[9]Wanting Chen, Zheng Fu, Xuemei Wu*, Tiantian Li, Xiaoming Yan, Xiaozhou Wang, Fujun Cui, Shouhai Zhang, and Gaohong He*, 'Micro-Phase Separation Promoted by Electrostatic Field in Electrospinning of Alkaline Polymer Electrolytes: DFT and MD Simulations', Chemical Engineering Science, 2022, 248: 117171.

[8]Wanting Chen, Xuemei Wu, Tiantian Li, Xiaoming Yan, Yang Zhang, Xiaozhou Wang, Fan Zhang, Shouhai Zhang, and Gaohong He*, 'Structural Contribution of Cationic Groups to Water Sorption in Anion Exchange Membranes: A Combined DFT and MD Simulation Study', Chemical Engineering Science, 2021, 244: 116791.

[7]Wanting Chen, Tiantian Li, Xiaoming Yan, Xuemei Wu*, Yang Zhang, Xiaozhou Wang, Fan Zhang, Shouhai Zhang, and Gaohong He*, 'Constructing Ionic Channels in Anion Exchange Membrane Via a Zn2+ Soft Template: Experiment and Molecular Dynamics Simulation', Journal of Membrane Science, 2021, 629: 119293.

[6]Wanting Chen, Xiaozhou Wang, Tiantian Li, Xiaoming Yan, Xuemei Wu*, Yang Zhang, Fan Zhang, Shouhai Zhang, and Gaohong He*, 'Amphiphilic Cone-Shaped Cationic Calix[4]Arene Composite Anion Exchange Membranes with Continuous Ionic Channels', Journal of Membrane Science, 2021, 640: 119815.

[5]Wanting Chen, Mushen Chen, Dongxing Zhen, Tiantian Li, Xuemei Wu*, Shuai Tang, Lei Wan, Shouhai Zhang, Gaohong He*, SO42-/SnO2 solid superacid granular stacked one-dimensional hollow nanofiber for a highly conductive proton-exchange membrane, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(36): 40740-40748.

[4]Wanting Chen, Mrinmay Mandal, Garrett Huang, Xuemei Wu, Gaohong He, Paul A Kohl*. Highly Conducting anion-exchange membranes based on cross-linked poly (norbornene): ring opening metathesis polymerization. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2019, 2 (4): 2458-2468.

[3]Wanting Chen, Xiaozhou Wang, Gaohong He, Tiantian Li, Xue Gong, Xuemei Wu*. Anion exchange membrane with well-ordered arrays of ionic channels based on a porous anodic aluminium oxide template. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 2018, 48(10): 1151-1161.

[2]Wanting Chen, Mengmeng Hu, Haochen Wang, Xuemei Wu*, Xue Gong, Xiaoming Yan, Dongxing Zhen, Gaohong He*. Dimensionally stable hexamethylenetetramine functionalized polysulfone anion exchange membranes. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5: 15038 15047.

[1]Wanting Chen, Xiaoming Yan, Xuemei Wu*, Shiqi Huang, Yongliang Luo, Xue Gong, Gaohong He*. Tri-quaternized poly (ether sulfone) anion exchange membranes with improved hydroxide conductivity. Journal of Membrane Science, 2016, 514: 613-621.

Educational Experience

[1] 2013.9 to 2019.6

开云平台首页 | 化学工程 | Doctoral Degree

[2] 2009.9 to 2013.6

开云平台首页 | 化学工程与工艺(英语强化) | Bachelor's Degree

Work Experience

[1] 2019.9 to 2022.7

开云平台首页 | 博士后

[2] 2022.7 to Now

开云平台首页 化工学院 | 副教授

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