Jason Jieshan Qiu

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Professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates Supervisor of Master's Candidates


邱介山, 化工学院教授、博士生导师、国家杰出青年基金获得者、教育部长江学者特聘教授、国务院政府津贴专家、国家“有突出贡献中青年专家”及国家“百千万人才工程”人选、全国化工优秀科技工作者、全国百篇优秀博士论文指导教师。作为开云平台首页 “材料化工”学科方向创始人和“能源材料化工”技术领域学术带头人(2000年,创办开云平台首页 化工学院材料化工系,系主任;2011年,创建辽宁省能源材料化工重点实验室,实验室主任;2013年,获批辽宁省高等学校“能源材料化工”创新团队,学术带头人;2014年,开云平台首页 “功能材料化工”科研创新团队,学术带头人),长期从事材料化工(功能碳材料)、能源化工(煤化工/储能材料与技术)等领域研究,承担完成或正在实施各类课题70余项,包括国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目、中国神华煤制油化工有限公司揭榜挂帅项目、国家重点研发计划项目等。注重“产学研用”有机融合,研究工作获德国拜尔公司、瑞士加铝公司、日本三菱公司、中国香港中华煤气有限公司等国际著名企业资助;技术成果在浙江、安徽、辽宁、广东、新疆、陕西等地区实现产业化实际应用或推广应用,引领行业的技术进步,助推提升了相关地区和行业的科技水平和科研实力,创造了良好的经济效益和社会效益。

在国内外发表刊物论文800余篇,其中700余篇论文发表在Nature Mater., Adv. Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., Adv. Energy Mater., Energy & Environ. Sci., PNAS, Nature Commun., Nano Energy, ACS Nano, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Chem. Soc. Rev., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Joule, Matter, Chem等国际学术刊物上(IF>10刊物论文400余篇, 68篇论文被选为国际学术刊物封面)。发表论文被SCI收录900余篇,EI收录790余篇;论文被SCI总引47000余次(其中, SCI他人引用44800余次;116篇论文单篇引用>100次), H指数106(web of sci.),ESI高引论文累计80余篇;煤基碳材料的论文数量(web of sci.)世界第一, 引领了煤化学化工学科的前沿发展方向;申请及授权PCT及中国发明专利150余件。作为起草人/修订人之一,完成“煤焦化焦油加工工程设计标准”(GB/T 51331-2018)等国家标准的制定和修订。应邀在世界煤科学大会等系列的重要学术会议及国内外高校和研究机构做plenary/keynote/invited报告150余次。荣获教育部自然科学一等奖(2项)、辽宁省自然科学一等奖、中国颗粒学会自然科学一等奖、中国化工学会科学技术奖一等奖、中国发明协会发明创业奖创新奖一等奖、全国服务业科技创新奖一等奖、8项省部级科技奖励二等奖、陕西高等学校科学技术研究优秀成果一等奖、辽宁省青年科技奖、高等学校优秀骨干教师、辽宁省优秀专家、辽宁省优秀科技工作者、大连市优秀专家、2016年果壳科学人组织评选“全能导师奖”等各类奖励和表彰30余次。2018-2022年连续入选"科睿唯安"全球高引科学家榜单;2019-2021年连续入选Elsevier中国高被引学者榜单(化学工程); 2019年入选英国皇家化学会Top1%高被引中国作者榜单(能源与可持续类);入选全球顶尖前10万科学家榜单(国内排名139位,全球排名2631位,2022年9月)。


现任中国科协先进材料学会联合体主席团副主席、中国微米纳米技术学会常务理事、中国能源学会专家委员会副主任、《化工学报》副主编、Battery Energy副主编、中国化工学会化学工程专业委员会主任委员、北京化工学会第七届理事会理事、中国超级电容联盟副理事长、北京中关村石墨烯产业联盟副理事长、Chemical Engineering Science、Science China Materials、Energy Technology、CarbonEnergy等国内外20余种学术刊物的编委。曾任中国微米纳米技术学会第三届理事会副理事长(2015.10-2021.12)、国际学术刊物Carbon副主编、ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 副主编及FlatChem共同创刊主编。

100 Selected Papers

    1YZ Liu, XY Meng, ZY Wang,JS Qiu. A Li2S-based all-solid-state battery with high energy and superior safety,Science Advances, 2021, abl8390.

    2Q Yang, L Li, T Hussain, DH Wang, L Hui, Y Guo, GJ Liang, XL Li, Z Chen, ZD Huang, YJ Li, YR Xue, ZC Zuo,JS Qiu, YL Li, CY Zhi. Stabilizing Interface pH by N-Modified Graphdiyne for Dendrite-Free and High-Rate Aqueous Zn-ion Batteries,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021, https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202112304

    3XY Wang, ZY Wang,JS Qiu. Stabilizing the MXene by Hydration Chemistry in Aqueous Solution,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2021,https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202113981

    4YW Ren, C Yu, XT Han, XY Tan, QB Wei, WB Li, YN Han, L Yang,JS Qiu. Methanol-Mediated Electrosynthesis of Ammonia,ACS Energy Letters, 2021, 6(11), 3844-3850.

    5SH Ye, ZD Chen, GK Zhang, WD Chen, C Peng, XY Yang, LR Zheng, YL Li, XZ Ren, HQ Cao, DF Xue,JS Qiu,QL Zhang, JH Liu. Elucidating the activity, mechanism and application of selective electrosynthesis of ammonia from nitrate on cobalt phosphide,Energy Environ. Sci.,2022, https://doi.org/10.1039/D1EE03097C

    6JW Chang, C Yu, XD Song, XT Han, YW Ding, XY Tan, SF Li, YY Xie, ZB Zhao,JS Qiu.Mechanochemistry-driven prelinking enables ultrahigh nitrogen-doping in carbon materials for triiodide reduction,Nano Energy,2021, 89, 106332.

    7K Wang, C Han, JQ Li,JS Qiu, J Sunarso, SM Liu. The Mechanism of Piezocatalysis: Energy Band Theory or Screening Charge Effect?Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2021, 60, 2-15, https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202110429

    8PD Li, N Su, ZY Wang,JS Qiu. A Ti3C2Tx MXene-Based Energy-Harvesting Soft Actuator with Self-Powered Humidity Sensing and Real-Time Motion Tracking Capability,ACS Nano, 2021, 15(10), 16811-16818.

    9Z Wang, C Yu, HW Huang, W Guo, CT Zhao, WC Ren, YY Xie,JS Qiu. Energy Accumulation Enabling Fast Synthesis of Intercalated Graphite and Operando Decoupling for Lithium Storage,Adv. Funct. Mater.,2021, 2009801.

    【10】JZ Li, SF Li, YX Zhang, Y Yang, S Russi, GN Qian, LQ Mu, SJ Lee, ZJ Yang, JS Lee, P Pianetta, JS Qiu, D Ratner, P Cloetens, KJ Zhao, F Lin, YJ Liu. Multiphase, Multiscale Chemomechanics at Extreme Low Temperatures: Battery Electrodes for Operation in a Wide Temperature Range,Adv. Energy Mater.,2021, 2102122.

    11F Sun, JS Qin, ZY Wang, MZ Yu, XH Wu, XM Sun,JS Qiu. Energy-saving Hydrogen Production by Chlorine-free Hybrid Seawater Splitting Coupling Hydrazine Degradation,Nat. Commun.,2021, 12, 4182.

    12QB Wei, C Yu, XD Song, YP Zhong, L Ni, YW Ren, W Guo, JH Yu,JS Qiu.Recognition of Water-Induced Effects toward Enhanced Interaction between Catalyst and Reactant in Alcohol Oxidation,J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2021, 143, 6071-6078(Highlighted as Front Cover)

    13Z Wang, C Yu, HW Huang, W Guo,, JH Yu,JS Qiu. Carbon-enabled microwave chemistry: From interaction mechanisms to nanomaterial manufacturing,Nano Energy, 2021, 85, 106027.

    14XY Tan, C Yu, XD Song, CT Zhao, S Cui, HY Xu, JW Chang, W Guo, Z Wang, YY Xie,JS Qiu. Toward an Understanding of the Enhanced CO2 Electroreduction in NaCl Electrolyte over CoPc Molecule-Implanted Graphitic Carbon Nitride Catalyst,Adv. Energy Mater., 2021, 11(31), 2100075.

    15W Guo, FP Yang, C Yu, YY Xie, JK Chen, YS Liu, Y Zhao, J Yang, XF Feng, SF Li, Z Wang, JH Yu, KL Liu, K Qian, M Tsige, QY Zhang, JH Guo,JS Qiu. Operando leaching of pre-incorporated Al and mechanism in transition metal hybrids on carbon substrates for elaborately enhanced charge storage,Matter, 2021, 4(9), 2902-2918.

    16H Sun, XX Xie, Q Huang, ZX Wang, KJ Chen, XL Li, J Gao, YT Li, H Li,JS Qiu, WD Zhou. Fluorinated Poly-oxalate Electrolytes Stabilizing both Anode and Cathode Interfaces for All-Solid-State Li/NMC811 Batteries,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2021, 60(33), 18335-18343 (Very Important Paper)

    17SX He, FJ Guo, Q Yang, HY Mi, JD Li, NJ Yang,JS Qiu. Design and Fabrication of Hierarchical NiCoP–MOF Heterostructure with Enhanced Pseudocapacitive Properties,Small,2021,17,2100353.

    18LL Guo, C Xin, J Gao, JX Zhu, YM Hu, Y Zhang, JP Li, XL Fan, YT Li, H Li,JS Qiu, WD Zhou. The electrolysis of anti-perovskite Li2OHCl for prelithiation of high energy density batteries,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021, 60, 13013-13020 (Very Important Paper).

    19XH Wu, JHWang, ZY Wang, F Sun, YZ Liu, KF Wu, XY Meng,JS Qiu. Boosting the Electrocatalysis of MXene by Plasmon-induced Thermalization and Hot-electron Injection,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021, 60(17), 9416-9420.

    20YW Ren, C Yu, XY Tan, HL Huang, QB Wei,JS Qiu. Strategies to Suppress Hydrogen Evolution for Highly Selective Electrocatalytic Nitrogen Reduction: Challenges and Perspectives,Energy Environ. Sci., 2021, 14, 1176-1193.

    21X Meng, YZ Liu, ZY Wang, YZ Zhang, XY Wang,JS Qiu. A quasi-solid-state rechargeable cell with high energy and superior safety enabled by stable redox chemistry of Li2S in gel electrolyteEnergy Environ. Sci.,2021, 14, 2278-2290.

    22XY Tan, C Yu, YW Ren, S Cui, WB Li,JS Qiu. Recent Advances in Innovative Strategies for CO2 Electroreduction Reaction,Energy Environ. Sci., 2021, 14, 765-780.

    23SF Li, ZS Jiang, JX Han, ZRXu, CX Wang, H Huang, C Yu, SJ Lee, P Pianetta, H Ohldag,JS Qiu, JS Lee, F Lin, KJ Zhao, YJ Liu. Mutual modulation between surface chemistry and bulk microstructure within secondary particles of nickel-rich layered oxides,Nat. Commun., 2020, 11, 4433.

    24HL Huang, C Yu, XT Han, HW Huang, QB Wei, W Guo, Z Wang,JS Qiu. Ni, Co hydroxide triggers electrocatalytic production of high-purity benzoic acid over 400 mA cm-2,Energy Environ. Sci., 2020, 13, 4990-4999.

    25JW Chang, C Yu, XD Song, XY Tan, YW Ding, ZB Zhao,JS Qiu.A C-S-C linkage-triggered ultrahigh nitrogen-doped carbon and identification of active site in triiodide reduction.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2021, 133, 3631-3639 (Hot Paper, Frontispiece)

    26XT Han, C Yu, YY Niu, Z Wang, YB Kang, YW Ren, H Wang, HS Park,JS Qiu. Full Bulk-Structure Reconstruction into Amorphorized Cobalt-Iron Oxyhydroxide Nanosheet Electrocatalysts for Greatly Improved Electrocatalytic Activity,Small Methods, 2020, 10(4), 2000546.

    27W Guo, C Yu, SF Li,JS Qiu. Toward commercial-level mass-loading electrodes for supercapacitors: opportunities, challenges and perspectives,Energy Environ. Sci.,2020, 14, 576-601.

    28SF Li, N Sharma, C Yu, Y Zhang, G Wan, R Fu, HL Huang, XY Sun, SJ Lee, JS Lee, D Nordlund, P Pianetta, KJ Zhao, YJ Liu,JS Qiu. Operando tailoring of defects and strains in corrugated β-Ni(OH)2 nanosheets for stable and high-rate energy storage,Adv. Mater., 2020, 33, 2006147(1-10).

    29ZB Liu, SF Li, J Yang, XY Tan, C Yu, CT Zhao, XT Han, HW Huang, G Wan, YJ Liu, K Tschulik,JS Qiu. Ultrafast Construction of Oxygen-Containing Scaffold over Graphite for Trapping Ni2+into Single Atom Catalysts,ACS Nano, 2020, 14(9), 11662-11669.

    30JW Chang, XD Song, C Yu, JH Yu, YW Ding, C Yao, ZB Zhao,JS Qiu. Hydrogen-Bonding Triggered Assembly to Configure Hollow Carbon Nanosheets for Highly Efficient Tri-Iodide Reduction,Adv. Funct. Mater., 2020, 30, 2006270(1-8).

    31CT Zhao, Y Tang, C Yu, XY Tan, MN Banis, SF Li, G Wan, HW Huang, L Zhang, HX Yang, J Li,JS Qiu,XL Sun. Insights into the electronic origin of enhancing the catalytic activity of Co3O4for oxygen evolution by single atom ruthenium,Nano Today, 2020, 34, 100955.

    32Z Wang, C Yu, CT Zhao, W Guo, JH Yu,JS Qiu. Interface Inversion: A Promising Strategy to Configure Ultrafine Nanoparticles over Graphene for Fast Sodium Storage,Small,2020, 17, 2005119.

    33J Xiao, N Xiao, C Liu, HQ Li, X Pan, XY Zhang, JP Bai, Z Guo, XQ Ma,JS Qiu. In Situ Growing Chromium Oxynitride Nanoparticles on Carbon Nanofibers to Stabilize Lithium Deposition for Lithium Metal Anodes,Small, 2020, 16, 2003827(1-10).

    34ZQ Zhao, C Choi, S Hong, HD Shen, C Yan, J Masa, YS Jung,JS Qiu, ZY Sun. Surface-engineered oxidized two-dimensional Sb for efficient visible light-driven N2fixation,Nano Energy, 2020, 78, 105368.

    35Q Yang, Y Guo, JX Gu, N Li, CD Wang, ZX Liu, XL Li, ZD Huang, SQ Wei, SY Xu, L Song, J Fan, ZF Chen,JS Qiu, CY Zhi. Scalable synthesis of 2D hydrogen-substituted graphdiyne on Zn substrate for high-yield N2fixation,Nano Energy, 2020, 78, 105283.

    36H Hu, Q Li, LQ Li, XL Teng, ZX Feng, YL Zhang, MB Wu,JS Qiu. Laser irradiation of electrode materials for energy strorage and conversion,Matter,2020, 3(1), 95-126.

    37W Guo, C Yu, CT Zhao, Z Wang, SF Li, JH Yu, XY Tan, YY Xie, L Yang, HL Huang, R Fu,JS Qiu. Boosting Charge Storage in 1D manganese oxide-carbon composite by phosphorus-assisted Structural Modification for Supercapacitor Applications,Energy Storage Materials, 2020, 31,172-180.

    38XT Han, HY Sheng, C Yu, TW Walker, GW Huber,JS Qiu, S Jin. Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Glycerol to Formic Acid by CuCo2O4Spinel Oxide Nanostructure Catalysts,ACS Catalysis, 2020, 10, 6741-6752.

    39SF Li, Y Zhang, NS Liu, C Yu, SJ Lee, S Zhou, R Fu, J Yang, W Guo, Hi Huang, JS Lee, CX Wang, TR Kim, D Nordlund, P Pianetta, XW Du, JJ Zhao, YJ Liu,JS Qiu. Operando revealing dynamic reconstruction of NiCo carbonate hydroxide for high-rate energy storage,Joule, 2020, 4, 1-15.

    40LY Xiu, W Pei, S Zhou, ZY Wang, PJ Yang, JJ Zhao,JS Qiu. Multilevel Hollow MXene Tailored Low-Pt Catalyst for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution in Full-pH Range and Seawater,Adv. Funct. Mater., 2020, 1910028.

    41HW Huang, S Zhou, C Yu, HL Huang, JJ Zhao, LM Dai,JS Qiu. Rapid and Energy-Efficient Microwave Pyrolysis for High-Yield Production of Highly-Active Bifunctional Electrocatalysts for Water Splitting,Energy Environ. Sci., 2020, 13, 545-553

    42ML Zhang, C Choi, RP Huo, GH Gu, S Hong, C Yan, SY Xu, AW Robertson,JS Qiu, YS Jung, ZY Sun. Reduced graphene oxides with engineered defects enable efficient electrochemical reduction of dinitrogen to ammonia in wide pH range,Nano Energy, 2020, 68, 104323.

    43XT Han, YY Niu, C Yu, ZB Liu, HW Huang, HL Huang, SF Li, W Guo, XY Tan,JS Qiu. Ultrafast Construction of Interfacial Sites by Wet Chemical Etching to Enhance Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution,Nano Energy, 2020, 69, 104367.

    44JW Chang, XD Song, C Yu, HW Huang, JF Hong, YW Ding, HL Huang, JH Yu, XY Tan, ZB Zhao,JS Qiu. Gravity Field-mediated Synthesis of Carbon-conjugated Quantum Dots with Tunable Defective Density for Enhanced Triiodide Reduction,Nano Energy, 2020, 69, 104377.

    45YW Ding, C Yu, JW Chang, C Yao, JH Yu, W Guo,JS Qiu. Effective Fixation of Carbon in g-C3N4Enabled by Mg-Induced Selective Reconstruction,Small,2020, 16, 1907164.

    46J Yang, ZY Zeng, J Kang, S Betzler, C Czarnik, XW Zhang, C Ophus, C Yu, K Bustillo, M Pan,JS Qiu,L-W Wang, HM Zheng. Formation of two-dimensional transition metal oxide nanosheets with nanoparticles as intermediate,Nature Materials, 2019, 18,970-976; Highlighted in News & Views of Nature Materials by Kristen Fichthorn, entitled "A pathway from 3D to 2D", 2019, 18, 911-912.

    47SF Li, SJ Lee, XL Wang, WL Yang, H Huang, D Swetz, W Doriese, G O'Neil , J Ullom, C Titus, KD Irwin, HK Lee, D Dordlund, P Pianetta, C Yu,JS Qiu, XQ Yu, XQ Yang, EY Hu, JS Lee, YJ Liu. Surface-to-bulk redox coupling through thermally-driven Li redistribution in Li- and Mn-rich layered cathode materials,J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141, 12079-12086.

    48JH Yu, C Yu, W Guo, Z Wang, SF Li, JW Chang, XY Tan, YW Ding, MD Zhang, L Yang, YY Xie, R Fu,JS Qiu. Decoupling and correlating the ion transport by engineering 2D carbon nanosheets for enhanced charge storage,Nano Energy, 2019, 103921,

    49MZ Yu, ZY Wang, JS Liu, F Sun, PJ Yang,JS Qiu. A hierarchically porous and hydrophilic 3D nickel–iron/MXene electrode for accelerating oxygen and hydrogen evolution at high current densities,Nano Energy, 2019, 63, 103880.

    50XH Wu, S Zhou, ZY Wang, JS Liu, W Pei, PJ Yang, JJ Zhao,JS Qiu. Engineering Multifunctional Collaborative Catalytic Interface Enabling Efficient Hydrogen Evolution in All pH Range and Seawater,Adv. Energy Mater.,2019,1901333.

    51W Guo, C Yu, SF Li, XD Song, HW Huang, XT Han, Z Wang, ZB Liu, JH Yu, XY Tan,JS Qiu.A Universal Converse Voltage Process for Triggering Transition Metal Hybrids in-situ Phase Restruction toward Ultrahigh-Rate Supercapacitors,Adv. Mater.2019, 31, 1901241.

    52C Hu, MY Li,JS Qiu, YP Sun. Design and Fabrication of Carbon Dots for Energy Conversion and Storage,Chem. Soc. Rev., 2019, 48, 2315-2337.

    53YY Lu, ZW Li, ZY Bai, HY Mi, CC Ji, H Pang, C Yu,JS Qiu. High energy-power Zn-ion hybrid supercapacitors enabled by layered B/N co-doped carbon cathode,Nano Energy, 2019, 104132

    54W Guo, C Yu, SF Li, XD Song, Y Yang, B Qiu, CT Zhao, HW Huang, J Yang, XT Han, D Li,JS Qiu. A Phase Transformation‐Resistant Electrode Enabled by a MnO2‐Confined Effect for Enhanced Energy Storage,Adv. Funct. Mater.,2019, 29, 1901342.

    55ZY Sun, RP Huo, C Choi, S Hong, TSWu,JS Qiu, C Yan, ZS Han, YC Liu,YL Soo, YS Jung. Oxygen vacancy enables electrochemical N2fixation over WO3with tailored structure,Nano Energy, 2019, 62, 869-875.

    56C Hu, SL Bai, LJ Gao, SC Liang, J Yang, SD Cheng, SB Mi,JS Qiu. Porosity-induced high selectivity for CO2 electroreduction to CO on Fe-doped ZIF-derived carbon catalysts,ACS Catalysis, 2019, 9, 11579-11588.

    57XT Han, C Yu, HW Huang, W Guo, CT Zhao, HL Huang, SF Li, ZB Liu, XY Tan, ZM Gao, JH Yu,JS Qiu. Phase controllable synthesis of Ni2+ post-modified CoP nanowire for enhanced oxygen evolution,Nano Energy, 2019, 62, 136-143.

    58W Guo, C Yu, SF Li, Z Wang, JH Yu, HW Huang,JS Qiu. Strategies and insights towards the intrinsic capacitive properties of MnO2for supercapacitors: challenges and perspectives,Nano Energy, 2019, 57, 459-472.

    59HW Huang, C Yu, HL Huang, CT Zhao, B Qiu, XC Yao, SF Li, XT Han, W Guo, LM Dai,JS Qiu. Activation of transition metal oxides by in-situ electro-regulated structure-reconstruction for ultra-efficient oxygen evolution,Nano Energy, 2019, 58, 778-785.

    60ML Yu, S Zhou, ZY Wang, YW Wang, N Zhang, S Wang, JJ Zhao,JS Qiu. Accelerating polysulfide redox conversion on bifunctional electrocatalytic electrode for stable Li-S batteries,Energy Storage Materials, 2019, 20, 98-107.

    61CT Zhao, Z Wang, XY Tan, HW Huang, ZX Song, YP Sun, S Cui, QB Wei, W Guo, RY Li, C Yu,JS Qiu, XL Sun. Implanting CNT Forest onto Carbon Nanosheets as Multifunctional Hosts for High-Performance Lithium Metal Batteries,Small Methods,2019, 1800546.

    62HW Huang, C Yu, HL Huang, W Guo, MD Zhang, XT Han, QQ Wei, S Cui, XY Tan,JS Qiu. Microwave‐Assisted Ultrafast Synthesis of Molybdenum Carbide Nanoparticles Grown on Carbon Matrix for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Reaction,Small Methods,2019, 1900259.

    63H Zhang, DX Tian, ZB Zhao, XG Liu, YN Hou, YJ Tang, JJ Liang, ZC Zhang, XZ Wang,JS Qiu.Cobalt nitride nanoparticles embedded in porous carbon nanosheet arrays propelling polysulfides conversion for highly stable lithium–sulfur batteries,Energy Storage Materials,2019, 21, 210-218.

    64YW Ren, C Yu, XY Tan, XT Han, HL Huang, HW Huang,JS Qiu. Is It Appropriate to Use the Nafion Membrane in Electrocatalytic N2 Reduction?Small Methods, 2019, 25, 13683-13687.

    65CT Zhao, C Yu, B Qiu, S Zhou, MD Zhang, HW Huang, BQ Wang, JJ Zhao, XL Sun,JS Qiu. Ultrahigh Rate and Long-Life Sodium-Ion Batteries Enabled by Engineered Surface and Near-Surface Reactions,Adv. Mater.2018, 1702486.

    66SHLiu, J Li, X Yan, QFSu, YHLu,JSQiu, ZYWang, XDLin, JLHuang, RLLiu, BN Zheng, LYChen, RWFu,DCWu. Superhierarchical CobaltEmbedded Nitrogen-Doped Porous Carbon Nanosheets as Two-in-One Hosts for High-Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries,Adv. Mater.,2018, 17068952018

    67XT Meng, X Cui, Matthew Rager, SG Zhang, ZW Wang, J Yu, YW Harn, ZT Kang, BK Wagner, Y Liu, C Yu,JS Qiu, ZQ Lin. Cascade charge transfer enabled by incorporating edge-enriched graphene nanoribbons for mesostructured perovskite solar cells with enhanced performance,Nano Energy,2018, 52, 123-133.

    68XT Meng, C Yu, XD Song, J Iocozzia, JF Hong, M Rager, H Jing, S Wang, L Huang,JS Qiu, ZQ Lin. Scrutinizing Defects and Defect Density of Selenium-Doped Graphene for High-Efficiency Triiodide Reduction in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2018, 57(17): 4682-86.

    69SS Niu, ZY Wang,ML Yu, MZ Yu, LY Xiu, S Wang, XH Wu,JS Qiu.MXene- Based Electrode with Enhanced Pseudocapacitance and Volumetric Capacity for Power-Type and Ultra-Long Life Lithium Storage,ACS Nano,2018,12(4), 3928-3927.

    70LY Xiu, ZY Wang, MZ Yu,XH Wu,JS Qiu. Aggregation-Resistant 3D MXene Based Architecture as Efficient Bifunctional Electrocatalyst for Overall Water Splitting,ACS Nano,2018, 12(8), 8017-8028.

    71WT Wu, QG Zhang, RQ Wang, YF Zhao, ZT Li, H Ning, QS Zhao, GP Wiederrecht,JS Qiu,MB Wu. Synergies between Unsaturated Zn/Cu Doping Sites in Carbon Dots Provide New Pathways for Photocatalytic Oxidation,ACS Catalysis, 2017, 747

    72SH Liu, ZY Wang, S Zhou, FJ Yu, MZ Yu, CY Chiang, WZ Zhou, JJ Zhao,JS Qiu. Metal-organic framework-derived hybrid carbon nanocages as bifunctional electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction and evolution,Adv. Mater.2017, 29(31): 1700874.

    73XT Meng, C Yu, XP Zhang, LL Huang, Matthew Rager, JF Hong,JS Qiu, ZQ Lin. Active sites-enriched carbon matrix enables efficient triiodide reduction in dye-sensitized solar cells: an understanding of the active centers,Nano Energy, 2018, 51,138.

    74J Yang, C Yu, C Hu, M Wang, SF Li, HW Huang, K Bustillo, XT Han, CT Zhao, W Guo, ZY Zeng, HM Zheng,JS Qiu. Surface-Confined Fabrication of Ultrathin Nickel Cobalt-Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets for High-Performance Supercapacitors,Adv. Funct. Mater.2018, 28, 1803272.

    75SF Li, C Yu, J Yang, CT Zhao, MD Zhang, HW Huang, ZB Liu, W Guo,JS Qiu. A superhydrophilic ‘‘nanoglue’’ for stabilizing metal hydroxides onto carbon materials for high-energy and ultralong-life asymmetric supercapacitors,Energy Environ. Sci., 2017, 10: 1958-1965. (inside front cover; 2017 EES HOT article).

    76XH Wu, ZY Wang, MZ Yu, LY Xiu,JS Qiu. Stabilizing the MXenes by carbon nanoplating for developing hierarchical nanohybrids with efficient lithium storage and hydrogen evolution capability,Adv. Mater.,2017, 29(24):1607017 (the back cover)

    77ML Yu, ZY Wang, YW Wang, YF Dong,JS Qiu. Free-standing flexible Li2S paper electrode with high mass and capacity loading for high energy Li-S batteries,Adv. Energy Mater.2017, 1700018

    78HW Huang, C Yu, CT Zhao, XT Han, J Yang, ZB Liu, SF Li, MD Zhang,JS Qiu.Iron-tuned Super Nickel Phosphide Microstructures with High Activity for Electrochemical Overall Water Splitting,Nano Energy,2017,34, 472–480.

    79CT Zhao, C Yu, MD Zhang, HW Huang, SF Li, XT Han, ZB Liu, J Yang, W Xiao, JN Liang, XL Sun,JS Qiu. Ultrafine MoO2-carbon microstructures enable ultra-long-life power-type sodium ion storage by enhanced pseudocapacitance,Adv. Energy Mater.2017, 1602880.

    80SS Niu, ZY Wang, T Zhou, ML Yu, MZ Yu,JS Qiu. A Polymetallic Metal-Organic Framework-Derived Strategy toward Synergistically Multidoped Metal Oxide Electrodes with Ultralong Cycle Life and High Volumetric Capacity,Adv. Funct. Mater.2017, 27,1605332

    81XT Han, C Yu, S Zhou, CT Zhao, HW Huang, J Yang, ZB Liu, JJ Zhao,JS Qiu. Ultrasensitive Iron-Triggered Nano-size Fe-CoOOH Integrated with Graphene for Highly Efficient Oxygen Evolution,Adv. Energy Mater.2017, 1602148.

    82YF Dong, ML Yu, ZY Wang, Y Liu, XZ Wang, ZB Zhao,JS Qiu. A Top-Down Strategy toward 3D Carbon Nanosheet Frameworks Decorated with Hollow Nanostructures for Superior Lithium Storage,Adv. Funct. Mater.2016, 42:7590- 598.

    83J Yang, C Yu, XM Fan, SX Liang, SF Li, HW Huang, Z Ling, C Hao,JS Qiu. Electroactive edge site-enriched nickel–cobalt sulfide into graphene frameworks for high-performance asymmetric supercapacitors,Energy Environ. Sci., 2016, 9: 1299-1307.

    84C Yu, HQ Fang, ZQ Liu, H Hu, XT Meng,JS Qiu. Chemically grafting graphene oxide to B, N co-doped graphene via ionic liquid and their superior performance for triiodide reduction,Nano Energy,2016, 25, 184-192.

    85Z Ling, ZY Wang, MD Zhang, C Yu, G Wang, YF Dong, SH Liu, YW Wang,JS Qiu. Sustainable synthesis and assembly of biomass-derived B/N co-doped carbon nanosheets with ultrahigh aspect ratio for high performance supercapacitors,Adv. Funct. Mater.2016, 26, 111-19 (front cover).

    86XT Meng, C Yu, B Lu, J Yang,JS Qiu. Dual integration system endowing two-dimensional titanium disulfide with enhanced triiodide reduction performance in dye-sensitized solar cells,Nano Energy,2016, 22, 59-69.

    87CT Zhao, C Yu, SH Liu, J Yang, XM Fan, HW Huang,JS Qiu. 3D porous N-doped graphene frameworks made of interconnected nanocages for ultrahigh-rate and long-life Li-O2 batteries,Adv. Funct. Mater.2015, 25(44): 6913-6920.

    88HJ Wang, L Zhi, KQ Liu, LQ Dang, ZH Liu, ZB Lei, C Yu,JS Qiu. Thin-Sheet Carbon Nanomesh with an Excellent Electrocapacitive Performance,Adv. Funct. Mater.2015, 25(34): 5420–5427 (inside front cover)

    89XT Meng, C Yu, XD Song, Y Liu, SX Liang, ZQ Liu, C Hao,JS Qiu. Nitrogen-doped Graphene Nanoribbons with Surface Enriched Active Sites and Enhanced Performance for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells,Adv. Energy Mater.2015, 5(11), 1500180, (highlighted as inside cover)

    90J Yang, C Yu, XM Fan, CT Zhao,JS Qiu. Ultrafast Self-assembly of Graphene Oxide-induced Monolithic NiCo-carbonate Hydroxide Nanowire Architectures with a Superior Volumetric Capacitance for Supercapacitors,Adv. Funct. Mater.2015, 25(14): 2109-2116 (inside front cover).

    91XM Fan, C Yu, J Yang, Z Ling, C Hu, MD Zhang,JS Qiu. A Layered- Nanospace-Confinement Strategy for the Synthesis of Two-Dimensional Porous Carbon Nanosheets for High-Rate Performance Supercapacitors,Adv. Energy Mater.,2015, 5(7), 1401761 (highlighted as front cover)

    92Z Ling, CE Ren, MQ Zhao, J Yang, JM Giammarco,JS Qiu, MW Barsoum, Y Gogotsi. Flexible and conductive MXene films and nanocomposites with high capacitance,Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (PNAS),2014, 111(47):16676-81.

    93SH Liu, YF Dong, CT Zhao, ZB Zhao, C Yu, ZY Wang,JS Qiu. Nitrogen-rich carbon coupled multifunctional metal oxide/graphene nanohybrids for long-life lithium storage and efficient oxygen reduction,Nano Energy,2015, 12, 578-587.

    94ZY Wang, YF Dong, HJ Li, ZB Zhao, HB Wu, C Hao, SH Liu,JS Qiu, XW Lou. Enhancing Lithium-sulfur Battery Performance by Strongly Binding the Discharge Products on Amino-functionalized Reduced Graphene Oxide,Nature Commun., 2014, 5:5002.

    95WB Wan, LL Li, ZB Zhao, H Hu, XJ Hao, DA Winkler, LC Xi, TC Hughes,JS Qiu. Ultrafast Fabrication of Covalently Cross-linked Multifunctional Graphene Oxide Monoliths,Adv. Funct. Mater.2014, 24:4915-4921 (highlighted as frontispiece)

    96J Yang, C Yu, XM Fan,JS Qiu. 3D Architecture Materials Made of NiCoAl-LDH Nanoplates Coupled with NiCo-Carbonate Hydroxide Nanowires Grown on Flexible Graphite Paper for Asymmetric Supercapacitors,Adv. Energy Mater.2014, 4(18),1400761 (highlighted as frontispiece)

    97BB Li, ZB Zhao, F Gao, XZ Wang,JS Qiu. Mesoporous microspheres composed of carbon-coated TiO2 nanocrystals with exposed {001} facets for improved visible light photocatalytic activity,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2013, 147, 958-964.

    98B Cai, YD Xing, Z Yang, WH Zhang,JS Qiu. High performance hybrid solar cells sensitized by organolead halide perovskites,Energy Environ. Sci.,2013, 6: 1480-1485.

    99H Hu, ZB Zhao,WB Wan, Y Gogotsi,JS Qiu. Ultralight and highly compressible graphene aerogels.Adv. Mater.2013,25:2219-2223 (highlighted in Nature, 2013, 494: 404; top 5 most frequently accessed articles in Adv. Mater. in the period 2012.11–2013.10; 2013年中国百篇最具国际影响力英文论文;Wiley Excellent Paper Award in 2015)

    100SH Liu, ZY Wang, C Yu, HB Wu, G Wang, Q Dong,JS Qiu, A. Eychmüller, XW Lou. A Flexible TiO2(B)-Based Battery Electrode with Superior Power Rate and Ultralong Cycle Life,Adv. Mater.2013, 25: 3462-3467.

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