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巨石讲堂 | 国际IAHR冰研究与工程技术委员会主席Tomasz Kolerski应邀来我院举办学术讲座

2023-03-21 点击:[]

为充分发挥名师引路作用,帮助学生了解学术前沿动态,提升科研自主创新能力,2023年3月21日,本学期“巨石讲堂”第一讲邀请了国际IAHR冰研究与工程技术委员会主席、波兰格但斯克技术大学Tomasz Kolerski副教授来访中白学院,并作题为“River Ice Processes and Ice Jam Assessment”的学术讲座,就河流结冰、融冰过程及河流冰塞评估等问题展开报告。中白学院直属党支部书记、院长季顺迎教授出席讲座。讲座现场座无虚席,除中白学院相关专业研究生及高年级本科生外,学校其他学部(院)师生也慕名而来。




本次讲座内容丰富、内涵深刻,对于启发学生在冰凌研究方面的思维,推动国内河冰研究及防凌防汛将起到重要作用。与会师生对河冰研究产生了浓厚的兴趣,并在会后与Tomasz Kolerski副教授开展了交流研讨,碰撞创新思考的“新”火花。



Ice formation can affect many fields of hydraulics, hydrology, civil engineering, ship design and ecology such as for example: ice jamming and flood protection, ice damage on shoreline and onshore facilities, sediment transport problems, design of Icebreakers and arctic ships and habitat improvements projects and river restoration in cold regions. From the abovementioned, the ensuring and improving flood protection is one of the most important factors to determine sustainable and stable social and economic development in regions and countries. Mathematical models can supplement and help to understand the physical processes of river ice, and at the same time, they can also be a tool to support the design of engineering projects. They have become valuable tools for exploring the research area of river ice, such as understanding the physical processes and simulating river ice phenomena, and even forecasting ice floods. Such a model can be used to provide a continuous description of river ice development based on a limited amount of field data. A common issue in engineering practice is to estimate the ice congestion and jamming potential of rivers due to planned river engineering works or new run-of-river reservoirs and diversion dams. The task most often comes down to determining to what extent hydrotechnical structures will affect ice transport, and whether or not they will not stop the ice run during freeze-up and during spring or mid-winter breakup. The presentation will first introduce to ice processes in inland waters and later will refer to recent engineering projects conducted in Poland within the framework of the European Union Water Directive.

